Richy Rich

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

How to Choose the Right Brush

It's surprising to see how often people buy top-quality paint (and spend countless hours on careful prep) then jeopardize the end result by trying to save a few pennies on brushes. There's almost no better example of 'penny wise and pound foolish,' especially since the right brush will also save time and be less hassle because it holds more paint and will give you better control. In the end, you'll get a smoother finish with fewer visible brush strokes and you're far less likely to find pesky brush hairs dried into the finish. Of course, quality costs a little more--you can expect to pay at least $12 or so for a decent 2 1/2-inch trim brush--but a good brush will last for years, if it's properly cared for.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Choosing the Right Roller

Like brushes, choosing the right roller makes all the difference. For very little extra, not only will you get a significantly better finish but the work and cleanup will be quicker and smoother. Seems like a no-brainer but almost everyone gets tempted by those cheap discount packs . . . which is fine if you want a cheap finish and give yourself extra work. The truth is, a good paint roller will cut hours off your painting time while leaving behind a smooth, even finish. Rollers come in different sizes, from small 'slim jims' (useful for painting the wall behind toilets and should not be used for large wall areas) to huge 18-inch setups, but 9 inch rollers are the most commonly used size.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Basic Painting Tools

Whether you're touching up a wall or remodeling an entire room, the proper painting tools will make your job easier while yielding quality results. Your finished project will look better and last longer. Here are a few basic painting tools that no painter should be without.

How to Change the Cover on a Paint Roller

A paint roller is a vital piece of equipment which you will need to keep fresh for large painting jobs. This means regularly changing the cover of a roller. This is not a difficult or time-consuming job and is an easy way to help keep your paintwork looking good.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

How to Paint Your House & Make Every Room Look Great

Apart from the coat of paint it gets when it’s newly built, houses need to painted every once in a while. Usually we do this when we redecorate, renovate, or if you just need a new coat to restore the original look. Every time we need to paint, we give ourselves an opportunity to get creative, or change the feel of something we’ve always felt iffy about. That being said, here are a few tips on how to paint your house so that it feels like every room really belongs!

Best Ways To Paint A Textured Ceiling

Textured ceilings add an extra dimension to a room, because they are more visually interesting than a flat white ceiling. How do you paint textured ceilings, though? It’s a different animal than painting a flat ceiling. Here are the best ways to paint a textured ceiling.

Friday, March 23, 2012

How to Choose a Paint Roller

Choosing the right paint roller depends on what your home paint project requires.

A paint roller consists of a handle, a sleeve (or roller cover), and a cage (a skeletal frame with rotating ribs).

  • Pick a paint roller with a steel handle, which is equipped with a plastic grip threaded to fit an extension pole.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How to Estimate House Painting Costs

Get an accurate estimate from your painting contractor with good measurements. Estimating the cost of paint for your house is not difficult. All you need is a tape measure and some basic arithmetic skills. You'll also have to figure out how much it will cost to rent or buy ladders and other tools, as well as the cost of materials like caulk, hole-filling compound and masking tape. House painting is labor-intensive and your biggest expenditure will be the labor.

How To Paint With Rollers

Anyone can easily learn how to paint with rollers correctly to speed up their painting. Rollers are ideal to use on textured areas like interior walls and ceilings, but not on smooth sections such as wood paneling, plastic surfaces, or vinyl. For a beginner like you, it is advisable that you use your roller in the approved manner in order to avoid uneven results.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

How To Use A Paint Roller?

Using a paint roller is very simple once you get the hang of it. The only thing is, you need to be properly instructed on how to use it so that you do not waste any of your paint. Usually the corners of walls, on and around door frames, window frames and electrical switches and outlets are painted with brushes using short strokes. Once you are done with that you can use long strokes to do away with the lines. After this edging process is done, you can start with the paint roller to quickly paint the rest of the wall. If you do it this way, you will be truly pleased with the results and your home will look beautiful and elegant.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Painting The Walls Tips

A fresh coat of paint is a fast and easy way to inject new life into your home. A fresh coat of paint in a room is like getting a haircut or that new fabulous makeup which makes you look 10 years younger. It can completely alter the feelings you experience when spending time in the room and increase your affinity toward your home.

Tips For Smooth Roller Painting

Rollers enable the average unskilled person to produce an excellent coating much faster and easier than by brush application. By following these suggestions regarding fundamentals to rolling, the finished job should turn out to everyone's satisfaction.
Use a roller with a short nap cover; 1/4" - 1/2" for smooth surfaces and a longer 3/4" - 1" for rough surfaces.
Select a quality cover, lambskin is best. Don't make the same mistake most homeowners make, they buy the best can of paint available and then buy a cheap $2 cover to put it on with. You would be better off doing the opposite!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tips For Painting The Interior Of Your Home

Are you planning to repaint some rooms in your house? Before you begin painting the interior of your house, read this guide for some useful painting tips.

Getting Started

Before you even open a can of paint, there are several tips you should follow to prepare for painting the interior of the house. First, make sure you protect your flooring. Cover your floors with drop cloths, old sheets, or even shower curtains so that the painter does not accidentally spatter them with paint. Next, tape off window glass, trims, and even cabinets to be sure they are protected. You may also want to protect yourself with a pair of painter's overalls.

Using Rollers To Speed Up DIY Painting

The time has come to redecorate a room in your home. You stand there in front of a large blank wall with your paintbrush and you just totally blank. Where do you start? Fortunately for you there is a tool that makes the daunting task of painting such a large surface so much easier. What is this amazing and wonderful device you ask? It is the versatile paint roller. Paint rollers allow people to drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to paint a large, flat surface, like a wall with few windows or a ceiling.

Paint Rollers Overview

Paint rollers are simple tools with just three primary parts: a handle, a frame, and a cover. The frame, also known as the cage, is either a metal frame or a birdcage frame (birdcage frames are better for use with fast-drying paints) that supports the cover. The roller cover, or sleeve, slips over the frame and is the surface that picks up the paint and then dispenses it onto the wall. The sleeve is covered with the nap, or pile, which is the set of fibers that acts like the bristles on a paintbrush. You can purchase rollers as well as replacement sleeves at any hardware store and most general retailers, and once you have a paint roller, a can of paint, and a paint tray, you are, quite literally, ready to roll.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Textured Paint Rollers

If you feel that it is time to make a change in your home because you have been staring at the same four walls for too long, it could be that you could get away with a new layer and color of paint to make all of the change that you are going to need to feel like you have made a huge difference. While choosing the new color of paint is the most important part, thinking about how to make things a bit more interesting should be on your mind as well. Look at textured paint rollers to see if you can come up with some inspiration for a truly spectacular room.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Paint Rollers - Cut Any Room Down To Size

When you stare at a wall in a big room, armed only with a paint brush, you probably feel seriously overwhelmed. Luckily, there is a tool that makes the task much less terrifying - the versatile, amazing paint roller. Paint rollers allow people to drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to paint a large, flat surface, like a wall with few windows or a ceiling.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Paint Brushes and Paint Rollers - What Ones Are Best For the Job?

It doesn't matter if you're painting the indoor or outdoor areas of your home or apartment, you'll want (and need) an assortment of brushes in all possible shapes and sizes. Even when you're thinking of using a power atomizer to decorate your homes exterior, there will always be be a list of blemishes that need that human touch to put them right. Sounds like a lot of work right? Not really! The key is to have the right equipment for the job you're about to do - it will just make your life a lot easier.

Paint Roller Tips & Tricks

The paint roller is our best friend when it comes to painting walls. Able to apply paint very quickly and uniformly, we owe a lot of gratitude to our friend the paint roller. Available in a multitude of sizes and in a variety of different materials generally if something needs to be painted there is a roller that can do the job. This article will discuss some basic tips that I don't read about very often.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pattern Paint Rollers For An Amazing Finish

You love the way wallpaper looks, but you know you can't handle those huge strips of paste covered paper. Besides, if you decide you don't want to keep the wallpaper once you put it up, it is so time consuming and messy to remove. So, do you just settle for painting the walls a solid color? Before you decide to give up on your dream for beautifully patterned walls, you may want to take a look at pattern paint rollers.

How to Clean a Paint Roller

When I first started painting, my dad owned this plastic box that connected to the sink or a hose that would spray a 9 inch fan of water in a line. The way this worked was you would take the roller cover still on the roller frame and stick it inside the box. The row of little jet stream of water would then spin the roller cover inside this little plastic box; so water and paint didn't spray everywhere!