Quality house painting instantly increases a home's curb appeal. A well maintained properly painted home stands out in a crowd. When people see an expertly painted house, they appreciate that the property has been properly cared for. Regular high level care for a property significantly reduces future maintenance expenses. Costly and time consuming repairs are minimized when a home is well maintained. A great paint job is the perfect way to showcase a home's loving upkeep and attention to detail.
When people see a home that needs painting they shy away from further involvement. The thinking is, "if these are the problems I can see, what am I not seeing that will come back to haunt me?" Tom Hanks and The Money Pit come to mind. People appreciate a beautifully painted home and understand that painting usually signifies the home has been regularly and properly maintained.
A home in need of painting has greatly diminished value. People are very concerned about the expenses that will be incurred when painting the neglected house, and move on to the beautifully painted home, perfect for immediate, hassle free occupancy. Just add furniture! Those people who don't move on usually discount the unpainted house's value, often far in excess of the actual cost of the necessary house painting.
When selling a house, one of the first things a Realtor will suggest is a fresh coat of paint. Real estate professionals know that a professionally painted home will "show" better, sell faster, and ultimately close for a higher price. A painted home is much easier to sell because of its appearance and the immediate impression that this is a home well cared for.
So if you want to add a polished look to your home and add value to your house, consider your local painting professional for an estimate. A skilled painting contractor has the experience and skills to transform your home and increase your home's value with a return on investment that even Wall Street will envy! If you are considering investing in your home, a call to your local painting professional is a great way to start!